About Me

I am passionate about beauty making, cooking, crafting, fine dining, traveling, performing and better yet, SHOPPING (maybe it's a Jersey thing, ha~). I actually studied Computer Science in school (that's like a standard career direction to most Asian people, besides being doctors, lawyers and accountants). Isn't that boring? Indeed, it is~ Life should be filled with fun and adventures (well, you do need A JOB to pay the bills).

I used to be a workaholic and I gained weight from eating or NOT eating. It was just wrong. Anybody should be able to enjoy a little besides working working working. I know~ It's easy to say than execute it. I have tried to slow down my pace a little and started paying attention to the surroundings (make sure you must have a vacation once a year to relax your mind and two will be even better). You will find yourself being more motivated and somewhat ideas popping left and right without pulling hair off.

Traveling to different countries is the best way for me to release my stress and guess what? You will be staying away from the phone and internet, just explore and enjoy the places with your friends or love one. You might find yourself a new perspective. You will look at things differently because you have just visited a different world (it could be better or worse). Lastly, I found the love of my life during traveling. Not to mention, I started trying to cook all different cuisines because he is a gourmand.

Peru 2007
Egypt 2009

I am an explorer. I love learning new things. Don't stay the way it is forever, any interesting things can become dull if you don't implement the new ideas.

That is how I create my Beautiful Living, so can YOU.

Happy reading!!

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